Wednesday, April 28, 2010

witching hour

as a SAHM of young children, the hours between 4-6pm are generally some of the most emotionally fraught ones in my house. two hungry three year olds is a sight to be seen. they are a force. some days i just plain separate them during this time for everyone's sanity. their older brother is generally in the midst of homework, and alternately taunting his younger brothers. all three boys are screaming demands for food. all four of us are anxiously awaiting the call from hubby letting us know that he is leaving DC to travel home from work. it can be a tense, noisy, chaotic time in this house. the problem is that this is when planning and cooking of dinner occurs. it makes it hard for me, a self-professed emotional eater, to keep it together and get something healthy on the table for dinner. its an easy time to dole out snacks, and partake in snacks, and just plain end up off of the ww plan. does anyone else dread this time of day? how do you handle it?

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