Monday, April 5, 2010

monday morning weigh in

as i pulled into the parking lot this morning to attend my ww meeting i had a feeling i was not going to like what the scale had to say. i had a great weekend with friends, booze and food - pretty much in that order. then yesterday i prepared a delicious easter meal and indulged again with family, food and wine. (later this week i will review some of the recipes - stay tuned.) all weekend i kept saying i dont think the scale is going to be my friend on monday. but the thing was, i was making sensible choices all weekend. i had saved my 35 bonus points up for the weekend. i made HG margaritas instead of the full fat version, i made healthy lunches, ate breakfast at home. i was on plan and it really paid off. i stepped on the scale fully expecting to hear that i had gained a pound. instead the receptionist said great job, you are down 4 lbs(bringing my total loss to 23.6)!! when i said thank you to her she replied "dont thank me, you did it all by yourself!" and you know what, she was right - i did!! yay monday!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so SO proud of you! Making the right choices will keep paying off, and it proves that you can have a fun, fantastic weekend and not worry about "messing up."
