Tuesday, August 31, 2010

product reviews

two new things i want to share that are becoming a staple in my diet.

get yourself to a store now and buy wax orchards fudge fantasty dark chocolate sauce!! and if you cant find it in the store, book yourself a flight to seattle where they make it and be sure to bring an empty suitcase. this is the best fudge sauce i have ever had. notice i did NOT say best fat free fudge sauce. incidentally, it is fat free. last night i had some girlfriends over for margaritas and dessert nachos. i served fresh sliced figs, peaches and raspberries with food should taste good cinnamon and chocolate tortilla chips and this fudge sauce. today i had the sauce on a spoon - why bother with filler or to take a seat for that matter. it tastes great right in front of the fridge. as i type this i am dipping pretzels into the sauce. the food police my 7 year old just walked by and asked for a taste. his reply was, "wow, are you sure your allowed to eat this mom?!" this stuff is luxuriously rich and delicious. did i mention it is fat free?! 5 out of 5 stars!!

my other favorite go to item these days is true lime. true lime comes packaged like little sugar or splenda packets. the packets are filled with crystallized lime; each packet is equivalent to one large wedge of fresh squeezed fruit. they are all natural and taste soo fresh. 0 calories, 0 sugar. they make drinking water soo much easier. next week my goal is to try cooking with them, as there seem to be a lot of recipes that look worth trying on their website. you can also send away for free samples on their website. i have also tried the true lemon and true orange, both of which i really like. i give these a 5 out of 5 as well.
have you tried these things? let me know what you think if you decide to try them based on my reviews.


i havent been posting much because i am super frustrated. i have hit a plateau, mentally as much as physically. the last three weigh-ins i have been exactly the same weight. super frustrating. i am .9 away from having lost 50lbs. between the weigh ins i go anywhere from 6 lbs away from having lost the 50 to .3 away. if i could just get over this hump and get myself back on track i would be thrilled. i know this is a lifestyle change i am making, so i need to find away for it to work with my life year round.

i dont know why i am so stuck. part of it is that i havent been religious about following the ww plan. part of it is summer. part of it is just plain laziness. but i am fed up and need to get back on track. i need to find a way to get back to meetings, which has been a huge challenge this summer with three kids in tow. and even now that school has started i still have two kids in tow all morning long, which is when my favorite leader does all of her meetings.

i need to stop making excuses and jump head first off of this plateau. stay tuned...