Friday, April 2, 2010

two fabulous discoveries

today i discovered two things that are making for a very happy friday. the first being that the new pants that i bought myself in a size smaller are already getting too big - score!! the second is that with the promise of a playground at some point along the way my children will very happily ride in the stroller and not bug each other at all!! this is big because with this week being spring break from school for all 3 kids i have been having a hard time fitting in exercise. once they get back to school i will get back to my EA Active workouts on the Wii, but with 3 little ones underfoot that is too much of a hassle. i am glad though that i can incorporate them into my walks. pushing two 25 lb kids, plus a jogging stroller up some of the hills on the golf course i walk on is a pretty good workout. horray for friday and the discoveries it brought along with it. have a great weekend everyone!

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