Friday, April 9, 2010

eggs for breakfast

sometimes i think we say things because they sound like the right things to say. ww is all about "everything in moderation." and while i have myself been saying that very thing, i am not sure i really got it until this morning. before i started ww, i didnt put much thought into what i ate. well, that is not necessarily true, because i thought about food. alot. but there was no real planning going on, in a healthy way. i would plan to meet friends for dinner, or coffee or plan dinner. but it was more just about eating. not soo much the food. is this making any sense? the big distinction is the healthy thoughts about food.

we went out of breakfast this morning and i let the waiter talk me into the eggs benedict. it had totally been my plan to have an egg white something, but the benedict sounded fabulous. and you know what, it was fabulous. i enjoyed it while i ate it. i savored each bite. i left some on my plate because i was satisfied. all things that i am not sure i really did successfully, until recently.

later as i was walking off the breakfast and adding on another loop to my normal walk i was thinking about how good that breakast tasted. it got me thinking, would i have appreciated it as much 6 months ago? i really dont think so. i think part of why it tasted soo good is because it was a special treat. everything in moderation. get it?

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how GOOD food can be when you shift your thinking a little bit? I am so glad you let yourself enjoy some good food, and then got moving!!
