Thursday, June 3, 2010

have a rough week

i am having probably the worst week i have had since i joined ww in january. i dont know what is wrong with me, but my drive and commitment have left the building. truth be told, it started last weekend with the holiday weekend when i allowed myself to start making bad choices. although i was down .8 on the scale on monday i know i am up now and have been trying to motivate myself to do something, anything about it.

do you have weeks like this? how do you get back on track? i know i am going to be crestfallen when i step on the scale monday morning if i dont start doing something about it now.


  1. We all have these weeks. Just try to make the best choices and keep going. I'm having a week like this too... I way overdid it this weekend and I'm having trouble reigning it back in. But we can both do this. Don't count on a gain, or a loss... just forget about the number this week!

  2. I'm having the exact same week... I did well last week, and this week didn't track what I ate, didn't count points, nothing... I even skipped my meeting Monday because I knew I would have gained. This is the first time I have been this off since getting back on Weight Watchers and it scares me because 3 years ago I lost 80 lbs, and then turned around and gained it all back immediately. I need to make sure this is just a bad week, and doesn't become a bad 2 weeks, bad month, etc... I think I need a few days of packing my meals for the day and eating NOTHING ELSE to get me back on track. Any other suggestions? Maybe we can go away on a girls weekend to the biggest loser ranch!

  3. i could use a weekend away!!
