Tuesday, July 20, 2010

remember me?

it has been unusually busy here with a sleep study and surgery for my 3 year old. thankfully we are on the other side of both of those things now and he is recovering well. the really good news is that those stressful situation normally would have lead to a weight gain - this time they did not! that, people, is progress. additionally, we went on a week long vacation and i only gained .4 while on vacation. again, progress! so yesterday i weighed in, for the first time in two weeks because of vacation and surgery, etc. and i was down 3.6 lbs. so my total loss at this point is 48.2!! i am less than 2 lbs away from having lost 50 lbs. so proud of myself!


  1. Fifty pounds! That's a milestone and such a huge achievement. You should be SO proud of yourself.

    The munchkin has a 1pm doctor's appointment on Aug 5, so what does your schedule look like that day? I'd love to come hang out with you, and since I'll have to take Aaron to work, I'll be heading straight up toward you/the doc once he's dropped off.

  2. i havent reached 50 yet - but its close!! the 5th is good for us.
