Thursday, May 13, 2010

thursday is tip day

do we have any negative self talkers out there? i have been the president of that club myself from time to time. and really, what does all that negative self talk get me? usually a gain on the scale. it certainly never makes me feel better about myself.

this week the ww meeting was all about weight-loss saboteurs and how to handle them. could my husband be more supportive? yes! but in fairness, while he himself admits he could stand to lose a few pounds, he is not in the same position i am in. so for him sitting down to a bowl of full fat ice cream or getting up from just having finished a healthy meal at the dinner table and opening a pack of poptarts doesnt have the same impact it would for me. but all in all, he is supportive of my weight loss efforts. so as i thought about the question posed by my leader about if i had saboteurs in my life, the reality struck that i had to look no further than myself.

later, when i opened up the ww weekly (a pamphlet handed out at each ww meeting) and read this quote from another ww leader it was like a light came on in my head. this leader, donna, said "Avoid self-sabotage: don't even think anything about yourself that you wouldn't say to your best friend." so there you have it, thats my tip for the week, blatantly borrowed from donna, the ww leader.

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